Save the Date

Look who's invited, things just got more fun with this less than tradition invitation turned into a mini vinyl. It all started with a housewarming party of a newly integrated couple featuring a list of what they own. Their collection of 2150 vinyls stood out. So what better way to invite their dearest friends but through one of those?


The Concept

To go for a retro hipster direction, I grabbed influence from the smiths vinyl references, geared toward the 80s when they began. To remain inviting, I was careful not to make the look too grunge. I chose curvy fonts and warm colors to make sure it feels groovy, sparking the fun of the upcoming party.


My experimentation garnered two strong themes. The first geared closer to the 80's with two different back sleeves. The first with a larger view of the record graphic and the second, split in half. The larger view made some text overlap the gradient, so I made a second variation which made more space for the text. Overall, this theme felt thrilling, perfect for a fun party.

My second theme geared closer to the 70's with warm colors, patterns, and shapes. This design held a cozier vibe, with patterns nodding to nostalgic wallpapers. It would be up to the client if they preferred 80's thrills or homey 70's impressions for their house warming.

Final Design

A mini vinyl invite, how interactive! The concept was strong but the directions were split, I thought the gearing towards the 70's would be the best choice. A couple joining their homes, a fusion of life, a celebration with loved ones. What better way to communicate that warmth, but through warm complimentary colors and high energy patterns depicting the groovy 70's.

Project Success

receiving that in the mail, pushing the question to be asked, ouh what is this? It provides excitement while also offering a personal and memorable design to these hosts with an unmatched vinyl collection. With this design, I've commemorated this special event to add to their collection.

Creative and personal, two keywords to describe this invite. Pushing the limits beyond traditional invites, like center aligned with some filler graphic - I knew I HAD to do better. Luckily, I had the tools under my belt using my packaging skills to create an interactive design to amuse guests with the experience. Imagine,